Metaverse  Games Talk "MetaRace" The next generation Metaverse NFT Game?

Metaverse Games Talk "MetaRace" The next generation Metaverse NFT Game?

Cryptocurrency has become of the biggest markets, and it is a massive area of crossover with gaming. Naturally, this has lead to lots of the best crypto mobile games popping up. However, more recently, some NFTs games have also emerged. NFTs offers an exciting prospect to games since they offer a way to quantify and monetize in-game items. NFTs or non-fungible tokens are an exciting new area for cryptocurrency. They offer a lot of potentials, especially for games.

Let’s introduce this NEWEST NFT GAME — MetaRace And let me tell you why MetaRace got my attention.

ERC-721 and ERC-20 METARACE is a blockchain game based on horse racing. It will use ERC-721 and ERC-20 standard non-fungible and replaceable tokens, respectively. METARACE’s gameplay includes two main components: collection and horse racing. Mean means, playing MetaRace can create more income.$$$

JOCKEY & HORSES NFT The collection’s core is to acquire and trade rare virtual items, including horses, jockeys, accessories, and decorations. The game’s collectibles component design simulates traditional scarcity-based collection games or activities, such as card trading or model collection.

PLAY TO EARN METARACE will be a game experience similar to traditional horse racing games. Players will take their collectibles (horses, jockeys, decorations) to participate in the race and get rewards (Play To Earn).

I am still looking forward to the launch of MetaRace, and hope they will release more news.

Between, MetaRace just launched the FIRST AIRDROP, Seem like guess what’s a type of the NFT horse

MetaRace Silhouette Quiz Event Join Discord to guess the design style of MetaRace horses, and the first 20 participants who guess the right will share 300USD airdrop rewards.

I have already joined their community; if you are interested, join in!