YFX is a transparent decentralized trading platform for perpetual contracts. All funds are hosted by smart contracts. All smart contract codes are open sources, which have been audited by the professional institutions. Users have full control of their funds in smart contract. YFX is committed to empowering the development and adoption of DeFi. Derivatives are the basic tools of financial market risk management, hedging and arbitrage. As DeFi's lending products mature day by day, derivatives will become the cornerstone of its next series of innovation, development and maturity.
100x leveraged futures trading YFX-first Defi trading platform support 100x Leverage YFX-first Defi trading platform support Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and Huobi Heco YFX-First trading platform support coin margin swap, USDT swap and hybrid swap. Up to 100x leverage, supports coin margin swap, USDT swap and hybrid swap, and supports Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and Huobi Heco. Its features and advantages are as follows:
1) Excellent trading method Order would be first put on blockchain then filled with the price set in the order.
2) Excellent trading on blockchain To avoid delay and uncertainty on blockchain, YFX invent QIC price quotation system to guarantee trading efficiency and fairness. Step one, trader put their order onto blockchain. Step two, QIC price index system feed smart contract with the price at the time order been put on blockchain. Last step, smart contract open or close position.
3) Excellent market maker pool Each trading pair has a market maker pool, and users' trades and P&L are settled with the market maker pool. All trades would be made with the Market Maker Pool. For each trading pair, there is a Market Maker Pool, orders are settled in Market Maker Pool. As market maker, you only need to staking one type of token to Market Maker Pool, redeem your fund in Market Maker Pool at anytime you want.
4) Excellent Non-over-loss mechanism YFX solved system over loss issue. In YFX, market maker use a different leverage as traders. In a normal situation, market maker would use 1/5 leverage when a trader trade with QIC-AMM. For example, when a trader open a position of 100 USDT, 10x leverage long position, QIC-AMM will use 2x leverage, in this case 500 USDT will be frozen in market maker's account. Both traders and market maker have a loss and profit cap with in the case of liquidation, the trading platform won't afford any loss from market swing and protect all assets in our smart contract. This mechanism prevent systematical liquidation rick by put a cap on winning and losing traders. This mechanism can prevent losing traders drop below zero. This mechanism can avoid trading failure caused by block time delay and other uncertainly issues.